Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Deklan: Weeks 3 & 4

To be honest, there haven't been any drastic changes with my Little Man over the past two weeks.
He did have a dr's appointment last Monday where he weighed in at a hefty 10lbs 14ozs.
You can see (and feel) the changes in him.
I'm already starting to be able to carry him with one arm on my hip, which I found out last night when we were up for a nightly feeding.
He is growing up so fast and it makes my heart happy and sad at the same time.
I love seeing the new things he can do, and what he's starting to pick up on.
For example, I had him in our room earlier on our bed and one of the dogs jumped up.
Deklan looked right at him. 
He's starting to be more aware of his environment and can definitely focus on things much better.
He still goes cross eyed a little bit which makes me laugh.
He doesn't really cry unless he's hungry and we aren't moving fast enough.
I feel sad because I know he won't be this small for long and before I know it he will be running around and being more independent. 
He won't need me as much and I think that's what gets me a lot.
Enough about that, I don't want to make myself sad.

He's really only getting up once at night. It's usually between 2 and 3.
He's sleeping for 3-4 hour stretches.
He's eating between 6-8 ounces, although sometimes 4 ounces is still enough (not often).
We have rediscovered breast feeding which makes me happy and proud.
I was so discouraged because he just wouldn't latch and would cry and cry and he got so frustrated and upset so we kind of gave up and I just pumped for him.
Earlier this week I decided to give it a shot and he latched right on without fussing!
Now I'm just praying I can produce enough milk for him.
I'm still pumping, especially because I'm not used to the restricted eating that comes with breast feeding.
You know, no broccoli, beans, onions...etc.

My thoughts on mommy-hood are still the same.
I can't imagine doing anything else with my life.
I love being a mom and I love the fact I don't have to work outside of the home.
Someone told me that some women were born to be mothers, and I think I fall into that category.

Now if we could just convince Daddy for another one....


  1. Babies are quite the paradox! You want to keep them small forever, but watching them change is amazing :-)

    Why can't you eat broccoli and beans and onions???

  2. They're gassy foods which can make Deklan gassy too and a gassy baby is a miserable baby :-(

    1. Aww, no fun for Deklan... or his parents either!

  3. I never had any problems with anything I ate causing Zoe to get fussy.
