Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The HEART of the Matter part 2

I had an appointment with a cardiologist yesterday.
I had been praying and praying that I would go to my appointment and he would really have no idea why I was there.

Let me tell ya, God is good!

There are a couple things that I've stopped doing since this whole thing started. 
I stopped taking my birth control and I stopped drinking milk (I'm allergic to milk - it's different than being lactose intolerant).

Since I've stopped both of those things, I've hardly been bothered.

I went into my appointment yesterday wondering what they were going to do, and they did nothing.

The doctor looked over my history and asked me some questions and essentially didn't know why I was there. 

He said my EKG was totally normal for someone my age and there wasn't anything weird going on.

If I notice things starting up again then I just have to call the office and get in to see him,

God is good and I know He healed me!


  1. Praise God! I'm so glad you got a good report. But does this mean you'll be expecting another little one soon???!!!

  2. Praise God for that!!! And what a great excuse for another little baby =P. Shhhhhh I didn't say anything of the sort. Love you!
