Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Lately, I can't say what it is, but I'm feeling so stressed and the sad thing is, I just had 4 days off! Honestly, I think having Brian home all the time is a little....uh....stressful. He always wants to help me with things (no, it's not a bad thing) and he's always trying to give me his advice (especially when it comes to doing things that I've been doing for a while [also not a bad thing, but it's a little hard to take because I have a set way of doing things that I already know how to do]) and I'm just not used to him being here all the time. I'm used to my week consisting of laundry and working and waiting for him to come home all the time and how he's here. It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't spend most of our free time together I don't think. I'm glad for tomorrow because I'm getting together with the girls I grew up with and I'm really excited. I haven't seen them since our wedding and they're all finally done with school for the summer! Hopefully we will be able to spend more time together this summer!

I'm trying to make banana bread. It's the first time I've ever tried, and judging by the smell I'm doing a good job. It smells wonderful! I just wish I could get up the motivation to get a little cleaning done! Laundry needs folded and the living room needs vacuumed. I just don't feel like it right now though. I worked at 5 this morning and haven't slept or anything since. I've just kinda been on overdrive. ugh.

Time to get things done before The Voice comes on!

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