Friday, January 6, 2012

And We're Rolling

Yesterday I stopped up to the school to get things figured out with financial aid and to finalize plans to make sure I start school in February. 

My admissions rep Heather is the same admissions rep I had from before and she was really excited to see me.
It was nice to come back and have a nice welcome and it just reassured me that I was doing the right thing.

We talked about orientation and when I would start school and we went over all the small forms that you have to sign. I did my essay (which I forgot about from before) and filled out the form for the background check and such and paid my application fee and then we headed for a tour.

The school has definitely changed since I've been there. What used to be my pharm lab was turned into a student lounge with a tv and wifi. The halls are all carpeted now and there's a lot more lockers than there were before. The whole place has been painted. The rooms have been changed. 
From the looks of it GLIT has taken over the entire building.

Anyway, aside from all the change, when I met with financial aid they went through and figured out what I'd be eligible for. Unfortunately I wasn't eligible for any grants because we make too much money. (Go figure).
I can get two loans, one $3,000 and the other a little over $5,000. Because I have gone to school there before some of the classes I took before will be transferred over and there's a class that I will end up testing out of so that reduces tuition from around $13,000 to $11,000. With the two loans that I got that leaves a little over $3,000 which means I'd have to take out an alternative loan that I pay on while I'm in school. The payments wouldn't be terrible. I could set it up to pay $25 a month or I could do 3 payments, 6 payments or 7 payments. It's also a credit based loan which varies in interest rates. It ranges from anywhere between 8 and 13%. (Gulp)

While I was left to figure out the alternative loan I was taken back to see Heather to figure out some last minute things. Heather told me since I was a graduate the school could give me $2,500 which would drop that alternative loan to $700 something dollars. Then there was something that they left out that Heather added in that took off another $700 which left me with a balance of $91!!!
No alternative loan for me! Less money I have to pay back!

It's awesome how this is all working out.

I start school on February 20th and I'm actually really excited.

Now it's time to go back to school shopping!


  1. Well praise God for not having to get that last loan. Those interest rates would have been TERRIBLE! That's awesome! I'm glad you're excited to start school!
