Friday, February 8, 2013

Things around here have been a little less than exciting...well, I suppose that depends on your view point.
There's a lot going on, but I wouldn't say it's exciting.

We are in the process of buying a house. It's taking forever and there's so much paperwork involved!
We were finally able to get everything in and settled and now we just wait.
Our closing date is set for March 15th, but we're (I'm) hoping it'll be sooner.
We are still waiting for the appraisal, which is scheduled for February 11th. 
My biggest concern about something getting flagged is the one small wall in the living room.
It's damaged on the bottom corner, and I think that was done when the previous owner was moved out.
Appraisers will flag any little thing. I'm hoping that's the only thing...or that they completely miss it.
If they see it then we have to pay another $150.00.
We are really trying to avoid that.

Brian is having foot surgery next Thursday.
It will require him to be off work for 4-6 weeks, which puts us right at our closing date for our house. 
Depending on his healing (hopefully it's fast) we may need some extra help moving.
I would feel bad if we had other people lifting a bunch of heavy stuff with the two of us standing off to the side directing where things should go.
I'm hoping that if we can get in the house sooner, I can start taking small things that are already packed and moving them in and getting them put away slowly.
Little Man's room is going to be the first to be painted and set up, which I am excited about. 
Once it's all painted and ready we will be buying his crib and other necessities and getting his room all ready.

Speaking of Little Man, I have been able to see him kick over the past couple days.
It's funny to watch your stomach get pushed out from the inside.
He is EXTREMELY active, which we knew from our first ultrasound.
He's a little jumping bean. He is always moving and kicking.
I've read that at this point in pregnancy they usually sleep for 12-14 hours a day.....not this Little Dude.
He's always kicking away. Of course I notice it more while I'm sitting than when standing and moving around.
Daddy still has yet to feel him kick, which makes me sad. I want Brian to be able to feel him, but I know he will be able to eventually. 
Little Man is a stinker. Every time Brian is around and the baby's kicking like crazy, He'll put his hand on my stomach where Dude is kicking and Dude will immediately stop.
We do have a name picked out, but Brian is making everyone wait until he's here.
I don't mind, but I think it would be nice to be able to share it!
Oh well, I don't think anyone is going to be stealing our name.

1 comment:

  1. That's a lot of stuff! I hope the house thing goes smoothly. What's wrong with Brian's foot? Yay for getting the nursery ready! I hope you don't take our boy name :-P
