Monday, May 27, 2013

Eviction Notice

Tomorrow is the day.
This little guy has decided he's way too comfortable in his current living quarters and just doesn't want to move out. 
Mommy unfortunately can't say the same. 
I'm so uncomfortable when it comes to sleeping that I feel like I need to attach a rope system to the ceiling and my ever growing belly just so I can roll over at night. 
I can't even begin to tell you how my hips feel after sleeping on my side for so many consecutive hours a night....

If you were to ask me how I was feeling about the whole process I would tell you terrified, and I that might even be an understatement.
Everything I've ever heard about being induced scares the living daylights out of me.
I've heard contractions are 10x worse than they would be if I went into labor naturally.
The fact they're putting a drug into my body that could potentially overstimulate everything and make my system go haywire isn't exactly something I look forward to.
Ideally, I'd like to wait until he's ready to come on his own, but with his size, the doctors are concerned that he's going to be too big.
At this point I'm afraid I'll have to have a c-section and I want to avoid that in any way possible.

Some other thoughts I'm having are things like my time alone with Brian is officially out the window.
I know that we will be able to get away and do things on our own every once in a while, but it's just not the same.
Right now we can come and go as we please and not have to worry about anything or anyone else. (With the exception of the dogs and that all depends on how long we will be gone).
I feel almost selfish for having those thoughts but I can't help it. I love the time that I have with him when it can just be the two of us.
Now I'll have to get used to it being the three of us.
I know it may seem silly, but because of the responsibility of a new born, I feel like my life is "over."
I feel like that's a terrible thought to have.  
I know my life isn't over, it's just changing. There are going to be a lot of changes happening. A lot of adjustments will need to be made.
One thing I can say I'm not really concerned about is our dogs.
They're both good around children, which we found out recently, and I'm very thankful for that.
However, they've never really dealt with a child living in "their" house full time.
I know they will adjust and things will all even out.
One thing I'm almost regretting right now is not getting a baby carrier like the ones you can wear. One would come in handy when it comes to walking the dogs so we don't have to worry about taking the stroller right away.
We are still working on our walking skills out here in the country. They want to smell everything, Radar more so than Dexter.

Anyways, I'm sure every new parent goes through these thoughts and has feelings like this at some point.
I don't want this to sound like I don't want my child because that's not the case. 
It's more of not knowing what to expect or be prepared for.
It's also a little of the selfish-ness that I have left over.
For so long I've been able to just do whatever I pleased whenever and now I have to worry about someone elses schedule.
I know it's worth it in the end, but it's just so scary!

Once things settle down here I'd like to become a more regular blogger with updates on what's going on around here with the little guy and the milestones he's reached and such.

We will see you tomorrow little man, and hopefully we will have your name figured out!

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