Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Burned Out

This week marks week seven since I've been back in school.
I think things are finally starting to catch up with me.
I've noticed things this past week that I didn't notice before.
I don't feel like myself.
I feel like I've taken on too much at one time.
My mom said this might happen (aren't mothers always right?)

I'm going to school full-time [right now I only have two classes--what's going to happen when theres three?!]
I'm working two jobs [technically]
and I've decided to learn piano.
Then there's everything that still needs taken care of around the house, laundry, dishes, cleaning, cooking etc.

It doesn't look like much when it's all typed out on a computer screen (and I didn't really think it was much when I first started doing all this) but now that I'm living it, I think I'm losing it.

I can't cut any more hours at work, and I can't stop working for the church. Piano would be the only thing that I could drop because I'm certainly not going to drop school. Piano would only improve what I would do at the church,  (which would bring in more money than what I bring home from the pharmacy). So it's like I can't really drop anything.

I have to say B has been great with helping out around the house. He's doing laundry and such and he'll make dinner and he tries to encourage me and stuff with doing homework and studying for tests and stuff, but it really doesn't make things easier.

I need time to take a step back from things and just be mellow for a little bit.
Only I don't have time!

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