Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New Blog...Finally

I've finally made a new blog; something that I've been thinking about doing since being married. I never really kept up with my other one, but I'm going to try to make it a point to keep up with this one now. Sometimes I just feel the need to get things out in the open and not leave them bottled up inside. Sometimes I just don't feel like taking the time to write them down on paper and I'd much rather hear the sound of clicking keys as I type. Even though I hear that sound just about every day, sometimes I like to hear it coming from my own computer.

I'm just back from spending an awesome time with my friend Amanda. I wish I could be more like her. She's great. And, she's teaching me ho to sew! We have a nice time of fellowship and she's very encouraging. Sometimes I just need someone to talk to who isn't my husband, or mother, or dog for that matter. It's nice to be able to have meaningful conversations where we really get to know each other better and we are able to talk about anything. She's really a blessing to me!

I've been married for almost 6 months. It's very hard to believe. Time has really flown. It's been rough and it's been great. It's definitely a learning experience. There's somethings that I'd never thought we'd have disagreements over, and then there's other things that I'm surprised we aren't fighting over. We never really fought now that I think of it. When we were dating we were always able to talk things through. Communication is definitely key in a marriage. Never be afraid to talk about things with your spouse. 

With that being said, I'm off to cuddle with mine. I've been up since 5am and I'm really starting to feel the need to sleep.

Thank you, Jesus for another wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, thanks I've been having fun spending time with you too!!! *HUGS* and you're great too! Cant wait to start learning guitar too :) fun fun!
