Monday, January 23, 2012


Brian and I need direction.
We found the house that we think may be perfect for us.
It needs a little sprucing up, which is what we want. 
It's got plenty of land, which is what we want.
It's got a 2 car garage, which is what we want.
5 bedrooms.
Out of the city (but not too far out).
A large kitchen we can both cook in together.
1 bathroom (which can be changed).

With all of this said, everything is what WE want, but is this what GOD wants?

We want to do what God's will is for us.We've already let a house go that we thought was ours (obviously not God's will!) and we are fine with that.

We just want to do what His will for us is. If for some reason the house isn't meant to be ours then that's fine.
We are just asking for guidance and direction.
We don't have the money for a down payment yet, but if it's God's will for us to buy that house and make it our home, then we know He will provide the means for that house. 
They've dropped the price of the house by $15,000!!!

Please God, if it is your will for us, bless us with this house! If it's not, then we know that you have something better in store for us!


  1. We will be praying for you!!! Hope it works out if it is God's will. Sounds like a great house!

  2. If this is the house I am thinking of, I want to be selfish and beg God that it be the house for you. Either way, I do pray that you would know God's will and that funds could be provided for whatever residence is meant for you :)
