Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I have come to the conclusion that I am the world's worst blogger. My posts hardly every include pictures and I am only blogging maybe once every 2 weeks. My goal was to be better than this! Oh well, there's always room for improvement.

Christmas has come and gone. I wasn't even in the Christmas spirit. It's sad. Maybe it was the lack of snow, or maybe it was the fact we didn't have a tree, or maybe it was because my holidays are usually soured by my job. It doesn't even matter if I have the holiday off because I'm sick of people by the time I've got a day off. Also, I wasn't terribly satisfied with the gifts I got Brian. Now I know that Christmas isn't about the gifts, no one needs to tell me that. But I hate knowing that I may have got someone something they may not be too terribly happy with. I feel like things were just mediocre. Maybe that's because I waited until the last minute to buy things...again. I was scrambling for ideas because I had no idea what I wanted to get him. One thing I thought he'd be really happy with but he didn't seem to excited. I love giving gifts because I like to see the receivers reaction. Maybe it's just me feeling a little guilty for waiting so long.

Another thing, I've been sick for a week, which means I was sick on Christmas. Not sick like the laying-on-the-couch-sick-as-a-dog-tissues-piling-up-on-the-floor sick. Just a sore throat and really tired sick (which automatically means I'm getting a sinus infection or bronchitis). I didn't want to go to the doctor because I wasn't sure what I was sick with. It mainly felt like a cold and I didn't want to pay an office co-pay to be told that I should drink plenty of fluids and get lots of rest. So today I called the Dr's office and talked to a nurse to get her opinion on if I should make an appt or not. She proceeded to tell me my doctor was out of the office so they couldn't just call me something in. I wanted to make sure that if this was going to progress into something worse that I was going to be okay for the New Year's weekend. They told me to come in and I was seen by a doctor filling in for mine. She was adorable and so nice! (Most doctors who are filling in for other doctors don't usually take the time to say boo, they walk in the room, ask you what your symptoms are,  give you a script and leave). So for the next 10 days I'll be on A500 (oops, I mean amoxicillin) and if that doesn't work it'll be a zpak. Anymore amoxicillin doesn't seem to touch anything I've got.

New Year's day is the day my moms side of the family celebrates Christmas. I didn't want to be sick for that. This year it will be at my moms house and everyone will be coming in and bringing yummy food and we will be able to spend the day together. ALL of us. This means Brian can come this year. Last year he couldn't and it was a bummer. I will try to take pictures of that day since I didn't take any (actually, I took 1) on Christmas day.

I'm done rambling now. I was supposed to work until 12 and got out 45 minutes early so I could go to the doctor at 11:30. Now I am at home cuddled up on the couch getting ready to watch The Golden Girls. Laundry needs put in the dryer and folded and the dishes need done and the bedroom needs cleaned. I also have to sort through my makeup and decide what's too old to keep and what I don't use anymore/like anymore. Guess I better get moving!

If anyone would like to suggest ideas for a post I'd greatly appreciate it!


  1. I'm sorry you're not feeling well! Love you friend!!! This year I'm just making Aaron a cherry pie for Christmas, and he did a maternity shoot with his mommy for me and is setting up our bedroom for baby. It's not a lot but it's what worked for us. :) I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Oh and I'd love to see a post showing off your Christmas lights.

  3. There have been a lot of colds going around this winter. I've been sick for about three weeks. Hopefully it'll go away soon. I'm starting to feel better, I think. I'd like to avoid a doctor visit if possible.
