This morning I've found myself to be very exhausted. I'm not in the mood to do anything but sleep. I already miss my hubby and he's been gone for less than an hour. I had the disappointing shock last night realizing that I actually work until 5 instead of 3 today. Knowing I had to be there for 2 more hours than I though was a rude "awakening". Weekends never last long enough, although it's different when you also have to work 1 of the days. I've been spoiled by not having to work the weekends for the past couple months. Last weekend and this coming weekend I have to work Saturdays. I don't mind because it's a morning shift, but it definitely makes the weekend shorter.
For some reason I'm just dreading this week. I can't say why. I don't really have a reason. I just know that I'm ready for a vacation. I'm ready to maybe just take some time off. I'm ready to experiment and see if we can live off of Brian's income alone. If we can I'll drop my hours at work and maybe only work 20ish or so a week.
Of course this is all going to depend on where we are going to be living. If we find a place where the rent is higher than what we pay here (depending on how high) we may not be able to just live off his income. Tonight we go to look at another apartment that's potentially going to be available on 9/1. A day after our lease is up. The nice thing about this place already is that it's owned by the same people we rent from now, but we can just transfer our lease. If it's available before our lease is up we can still move out of here and into that apt. (Please God)
It's hard not knowing what to do.
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