Saturday, June 2, 2012

Forever Home

About three years ago, my friend and his wife made the decision to adopt a little girl from Eastern Europe.
They had no idea what they were doing, they'd never had any children before. They really didn't know how they were going to afford it. All they did was trust God and it was the best decision they've ever made.
Meet Shawn and Sarah
They now have two beautiful daughters, who are both internationally adopted. They both have Down Syndrome. They are two of the most beautiful children I've ever seen.
 They've both been given a chance at life.
 Most of the children in orphanages don't get a chance at life. They're transferred out of the orphanages and into mental institutions by the time they're four years old.
These children go years and years (sometimes a lifetime) without knowing what a family is.
They're never given a chance to experience life.
They'll never know the love of a family.
They'll never be hugged or kissed or cuddled.
They don't have anyone to tuck them in at night, or to sing to them or read them books.
As Zoya's fourth birthday approaches, the only thing that Shawn and Sarah ask is that we get the word out about these poor children. We have to be their voice.
This little girl is Darla.
Darla needs a home desperately. Sarah's heart breaks for her because she reminds her of her own daughter Zoya.
We need to advocate for the orphan.
How else will they be heard?
My heart breaks for all these poor children.
They need love and they need homes. 
If you read about Shawn and Sarah's journey with both Zoya and Mila (pronounced Meela) you can truly see how love can change people.

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