Saturday, November 19, 2011


I posted yesterday about how I felt our church was under attack and how I was feeling discouraged about some things that were happening with some people in the congregation. Yesterday Brian and I went to our pastor's house for dinner. We had a very good time but we also spent time talking about the things going on in our church. I've felt there's been a change happening in our church for about a week or two now. My feelings/thoughts were confirmed last night when we were told there is going to be change in the church. Pastor says it's for the better, which I believe, but I'm a tad apprehensive. It's not that I don't like change or that I'm scared of it, because I'm not. It's a matter of just knowing how things have been in the church for 11+ years (actually longer but I've only been there for 11). I can't really describe how I feel about the change. I know it's all going to be for the glory of God, but that doesn't make it any easier. I won't go into too much detail about things that will be happening yet because I don't know for sure. I know for now it looks like I'll be the worship leader for at least another month. How do I feel about that? To be honest, slightly terrified. I'm limited to what I can do. I know I can learn and I know I need to make it a point to learn because if this is what God has me doing.........I better know what I'm doing. One thing that I know needs to be done (and it's not just a matter of wanting to do it anymore) is I need to learn piano. The problem with learning piano is that lessons cost sooooo much money. Again, I know if this is something I am doing for the Lord, He will provide. I just need to trust in Him. It's hard to do that when you're human nature just wants to take over and say "sorry, not possible right now."

Prayer is key in these kind of situations. If you've ever been in a place where you think God is calling you to do something then I wouldn't run in the opposite direction. You need to step out in faith and pursue what He is telling you to do, no matter how much you think you can't or you think it's impossible.

It's time to step out in faith.

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