Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Blogger Awards

My lovely friend, Amanda from And They Will Become One Flesh decided she was going to give me a blogger award.

The idea of the award is for me to share 7 things about myself and then award 7 other bloggers with the award so they can then pass it on to other bloggers!

1. I guess the first thing to say is that I've never been good at coming up with things to share about myself.
It's not that I'm embarrassed or have anything to hide, it's just that I guess I'm not good at "judging" myself?

2. I play the bass and guitar. More recently the guitar because I have temporarily taken over the Praise Leader position at my church while our usual Praise Leader takes some much needed time off.

3. I would love to live in the mountains. Colorado, Montana. Whichever.

4. My FAVORITE season is FALL. That's why we got married in October =]

5. I've been a born again Christian for quite some time. I backslid for a while during high school and I've only recently notice that God seems to be working in me (and on me) for the better.

6. I married my best friend. After years of  pursuing a relationship that I was told would never happen (God is good!) He proposed on December 20, 2010. He sang to me in front of our entire church congregation after the Christmas program.

7. I work in a retail pharmacy. It's awful. I won't sugar coat anything. I would love to go back to school and actually get a degree in something I love so I don't have to settle for something less than spectacular.

These are just 7 little facts about me. I guess it wasn't too hard to come up with them. Now it's your turn!

I Award:
Jamie Leanne Life As It Comes
Samantha Archivistique

1,2,3 Go!

1 comment:

  1. Fall is my favorite too! I also love winter, and spring is ok, and summer, well, I tolerate it because there is swimming =D.

    Once I get this Baby outta my growing belly, I'd love to learn more guitar, perhaps we'll have to visit more often. I just think it might be useful in the future with youth group hopefully.

    Btw, I love that you would love to live in the mountains, but I would certainly miss you!
