Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Well, it happened. 
What I was afraid of while being pregnant.
I ended up sick.
Not morning sickness sick, (that's been around since week 6).
Sick as in runny/stuffy nose, horrible sore throat, swollen glands, fever, etc.
I know I need to call the doctor to find out what needs to be done.
This feels like my usual sinus infection issues. 
I'm just terrified to take medicine. I don't want to put anything into my body that could cause potential harm to my child. I won't even take Tylenol when I have an unbearable headache.
I know this is where I need to trust the doctors and listen to what they have to say. 
I have a lot of medical knowledge, but clearly I haven't been through years and years of school to learn what is appropriate and what isn't for specific stages of pregnancy.
Just the idea of having to put drugs in my body while being pregnant scares me.
Although, being sick like this also scares me while being pregnant because I have an infection. I highly doubt a baby can fight off an infection on it's own yet!
I'm just waiting for the doctors office to open so I can find out what I need to do.
I'm going to call my OBGYN office first and talk to someone because they'll be able to recommend what to do better than my PCP would.
All I know is that I need to get this taken care of so the nasty pathogens that are wreaking havoc on my body(and possible my baby's) can be dealt with.

I wish I wasn't going to need medicine and that this would resolve itself. 
Unfortunately I know what this is like because I get it all the time, at least 4 times a year, which means I have a chance of getting it at least two more times throughout my pregnancy.

My immune system sucks.

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