Wednesday, November 30, 2011


So today I had a job interview for the first time in two years.  I can tell you I wasn't nervous, I don't really get nervous. I was actually kind of excited. I though that this might be the chance for a new start. The chance to get out of a place that makes me so miserable. I walked in, confident (you know, the way they tell you to be, like you've already got the job)  and I just answered the questions he asked me. I didn't sugar coat anything, I answered exactly like I would if any of my friends had asked me a question. I feel pretty good about it. He asked me to come back for second interview which would involve actually going into a store and watching the managers and seeing exactly how things are done. It's possible to move up to a branch manager within 6 months if the managers above you think you're doing a good enough job. It's a marketing position and seeing as I've never had any marketing experience I'm not sure what to expect. The training alone takes 4-6 months. If I were to take the job I'd definitely leave my foot in the door at CVS just in case. At least I'd have them to fall back on.

I'm looking forward to seeing what God has in store for me. He knows how much I want to get out of CVS and he knows that I'd love to do something different. Maybe this is what He's got planned for me.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Awesome! That's great that you have a second interview. I pray that you will know what God's will is for you with this job.

    PS Sorry this is a little late, but the post never showed up on my blog list until this aternoon.
