Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Update on Little Man

Well, we had our ultrasound last night. 
Technology is amazing, let me tell you.
First off, our first appointment was with the doctor. We found out I'm 1cm dialated.
I was hoping for more but I'll take what I can get!!
The doctor is very please with the way things are going, although we saw her after the ultrasound and she told me I'm not allowed to eat anymore carbs while I'm still pregnant.
I'm a carb addict here people. Pasta, mashed potatoes, bread, pretzles....you name it. If it's a carb, I'll probably eat it.
That'll make for a nice adjustment though, maybe it'll help me lost some baby weight faster!

Anyway, had the ultrasound and were told his estimated weight....I almost died.

7lbs 14oz.


He's not even full term yet!!!

I'm really hoping they're going to be changing my due date and that he really doesn't make it until the end of May.  I can't even imagine......
No wonder why I'm so uncomfortable.
His weight aside, everything is good and he is perfectly healthy. 
I have a feeling he's going to have a little belly when he's born. 
He's already got chubby cheeks!

My mom and I think he looks like me.
You can't really tell with this picture though, his poor little face is smooshed.
I was really hoping he'd look like his daddy, but he's not here yet so we will see.

Hopefully not much longer little man! 
Mommy and Daddy want to meet you!


  1. Dude! He's adorable! And I'm sorry he weighs that much already... but you'll be fine :-) You're awesome!

  2. Zoe was 8.5 lbs and I made it through alright so you'll be great!!! :) He does look like you though!
